Practical Urology (Instruments, Pathology, Radiology): A Comprehensive Guide Sujata K Patwardhan, Ravindra B Sabnis, Arvind P Ganpule, Abhishek G Singh, Abhijit P Patil, Rohan S Batra
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdomen 269f
Absolute neutrophil count 335
Access devices 96
Access needles 48, 48f
Access sheath 153, 156t
Accessories 79, 87, 137
channel 9
sterilization of 171
Acucise endopyelotomy 80, 80f
Adapters 14f
Adenomas 269
Adequate lymph node dissection 306
Adrenal adenoma, percentage of 319
Adrenal gland 318f
Adrenal mass 268, 318
Adrenal oncocytoma 319
Adrenal tumor 318, 318f
Adrenalectomy 374
complications 377
laparoscopic 376
preoperative preparation for 374
Adrenocortical carcinoma 271
chemotherapy for 346
diagnosis of 319
Advance bipolar systems 126
drying 169f
well termination 205
Airseal 103f
Alanine aminotransferase 334
Albarran lever 7, 8f
Alcohol 164
Aldehyde 165
Alken dilators 50
over alken rod 53f
Alken needle 158f
Alken telescopic metal dilator 53f
Allergic reactions 330
Allport clips 112f
Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers 374
Ambu® ascopeTM 16f
Amino acid 164
Amlodipine 376
Amplatz dilator 50, 52f
entering calyx 53f
Amplatz fixed core guidewire 141
Amplatz renal dilator set 51
Amplatz sheath 46, 58f
Anderson–Darling test 396
Anesthesia, general 220
Angioedema 345
Angioembolization, indications for 256
Angiomyolipoma 254
medical management for 256
Angle tipped ureteric catheter 138, 138f, 139f
Antireflux surgery, principles of 369
Antiseptics 160
beam coagulator 132, 132f
properties of 132
Armamentarium 91
Aspartate aminotransferase 334
Atenolol 376
Atraumatic graspers 92
Autosuture and ethicon veress needles 97f
Axitinib 336, 338, 340
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin 328
contraindications 329
dose and schedule 329
indications 329
mechanism of action 328
toxicity 329
Balanitis xerotica obliterans 216, 355
Balfour retractor 174
Ball electrode 17
Ball tip fiber 206
Balloon dilator 50, 54
parts of 55f
Balloon ureteric catheter 138
Bar chart 417f
Baskets devices 150
Baumrucker system 30
Benign prostatic hyperplasia 199
management of 199, 210
Bias 429
allocation 430
ascertainment 430
attrition 430
Berkson's 430
channeling 429
chronology 429
citation 430
Hawthorne effect 430
in clinical trials, types of 429t
information 430
instruction 429
lead time 430
length 430
Neyman 430
observer effect 430
performance 429
recall 429
selection 429
Bioabsorbable stent 144
Biopsy 260, 263, 267, 309, 312
forceps 17
sample 313
Biostatistics 393
button electrode 41
circuit 126f
electrode 38
technology, limitations of 39
Bisected radical nephrectomy 300
Bisected radical nephroureterectomy 304f, 308
Bladder 262, 304, 307
chemotherapy for 327
immunotherapy for 333
palliative chemotherapy for 332
capacity 217, 235
carcinoma, types of 305
diseases, benign 225
diverticulum 225
evacuator, modification of 36f, 37
mass 265, 266
mucosa 361
absence of 373
involvement 323
tumor, treatment for 304
Bland thrombus 259
Bleeding 354
Bleomycin 342, 343
Blinding 432, 434t
types of 433t
Blobbogram 439
Blue-light flexible cystoscopy 17
Blunt dissection 372
Blunt tipped obturator 104
Bonferroni test 409
Bookwalter retractor 174, 174f
Bowel leak 374
Box and whisker plot 420f
Bridge 3, 8
parts of 8f, 9
types of 9
Broken loop 32
Bugbee electrode 20, 20f, 190f
Bugiogram, disadvantages of 221
Bulbar urethra 216, 223
Bulldog clamp 177, 177f
Bulldog clip applier 114
Burst laser therapy 207
Cabazitaxel 335
Cabozantinib 337
Calcium channel blockers 375
Calyceal stone, lower 237f
Camera control unit 91, 93
Cannula 92, 100
Capacitative coupling 134, 135f
Carbon dioxide
cylinder 92
pressure regulator valve 92
Carboplatin single agent adjuvant 341
conditions of 312
types of 312
prostate, chemotherapy for 334
testis, incidence of 316
Case–control study 422
advantages 423
design of 423f
disadvantages 424
Catecholamine synthesis blockade 376
Catheter, loss of 372
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines 161
C-flex 143
Charge-coupled device 15, 16, 86, 93
agents 164
disinfectants, aldehyde group of 164
Chemotherapy 347
adjuvant 332
Chip-on-the-tip principle 86
Chi-square test 409
Choriocarcinoma 316
Chylous ascite 386
Circle nephrostomy tubes 150
Cisplatin 340, 343, 345, 346
Clip applicator and staplers 91, 108
Close-end catheter 137
Clutton metallic bougie 182
Coaxial cable laparoscopes 115
Cohen's cross trigonal technique 389, 390f
Cohort study 424
design of 424f
Color code disk 4, 7
Compact operating fiber ureterorenoscope 78
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor 16
image sensors 15, 86
Cone tipped ureteric catheter 137, 138f
Continuous flow resectoscope 27f
Continuous irrigation sheath 23, 26, 57
Continuous laser 199
Contralateral testicular biopsy, role of 316
Conventional fiberoptic flexible ureteroscope, parts of 82
Conventional rod-lens system 13, 13t
Cook flexor access sheath 155f
Cooley vascular clamp 178, 178f
Councilman catheter 149
Creatinine 232, 233
Cryotherapy 133
Culp-DeWeerd spiral flap 368
Cystectomy 304306
Cystogram 220, 226f
Cystolithotomy, laparoscopic 46
adapter 46f
percutaneous 46
Cystolithotrity instruments 43
Cystoprostatectomy 304, 304f, 307f
Cystoscope 3
beak 6
types of 6f
color coding for 11f
obturator 3
parts of 4f, 13f
sheath 35, 5f
urethroscope sheath 189, 189f
Cystoscopies, sterilization of 172
Cystourethroscope 186, 186f
adolescent 188f
types of 10
D'Agostino–Pearson normality test 406
Dangler stents 144
analysis 436
continuous 438
detecting normalcy of 397f
dichotomous 438
extraction 436
Gaussian 396f
homogeneity of 437
non-normal 396f
non-symmetrical 396f
normal 396f
normalcy of 397f
symmetrical 396f
type of 438
De Pezzer catheters 150
Debakey vascular
clamps 178, 179f
forceps 179, 180f
Deflux 195
injection, instruments for 194
needles, cystoscope for use with 189
Denis brown abdominal retractor 175, 175f
Desiccation 125
Desjardins forceps 179, 180f
Dextérité surgical system DEX® 116, 116f
Diagnostic tests 407
validity of 407
Digital cystourethroscopes 15
Digital flexible ureteroscope 86
advantages of 87
disadvantages of 87
parts of 84
Dilators 182
Diode laser 200, 211
Direct coupling 134, 134f
Disengageable ratchet 106
Disinfection 160, 161
hook 92
template of 300f
Distal bulbar stricture 217
Distal hypospadias 350
Distal tubularized incised plate repair 350
Distal ureteric tumor 308, 309
Distal urethra
dissection of 358
incision of 358
Diverticulum 226
acquired 227
cause of 226
congenital 227
Docetaxel 335
Double J stents 142, 144f, 153
Double lumen ureteric catheter 138
Doxazosine 376
Doxorubicin 346
Drug-eluting stents 144
Dual-operating channel ureteroscope 78
Dunnett's post-hoc test 409
Echo-tipped ureteral catheter 139f
Ectopic kidney, calculus in 246
Ejaculatory dysfunction 387
Electrocautery 122
Electrodes 193
Electrosurgery 122
cutting 125
generator 123
tissue effect 125, 125f
Ellik evacuator 36, 36f
Embolization, preoperative 364
Endocameleon 115
EndoclipTM multiclip applier 112
Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline 374
Endopyelotomy stent 144, 144f
Endoscopic management 46, 216
EndoTIP port 103f
sources 66, 122
transmission 205
Enseal 128f
Enucleation, techniques of 211
Epididymoorchitis 222
Erectile dysfunction 372
prevention of 373
Ergonomic body support 117, 117f
Ethicon endosurgery generator 128
ETHOSTM platform 117, 118f
Ethyl alcohol 164
Ethylene oxide 89, 164, 173
gas 163
sterilization 163
Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene 206
Etoposide 342, 343, 345, 346
Everolimus 338
Excision 355
Exophytic component 254f
Exophytic mass 260f
Extended length cystoscope-urethroscope 10
Extension cord 92
Extracapsular extension 322
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 248
Extragonadal germ cell tumor, chemotherapy for 345
Extrarenal pelvis 254
Eyepiece 76, 82
lateral 194
types of 79f
Fairhurst formula 217
Fan retractor 106
Fascial dilator 50, 51f
Fever, persistent high-grade 330
Fiber 206
cystourethroscope 187f
hub 204
size 206
cystourethroscopes 13
flexible ureteroscope 81
telescope 62f
ureteroscope 86
Fistula, urethrocutaneous 354
epilation of 355
vascularity of 355
Flexible biopsy forceps 17, 18f
Flexible cystourethroscopes 13, 14f, 16t
advancements in 15
advantages of 15
indications of 15
Flexible fiberoptic ureteroscope, basic design of 82
Flexible ureteroscopes 81, 82f, 84, 172
evolution of 81
tip of 83f
types of 81
Fluorouracil 340
Foley adapter 217
Foley catheter 23, 145, 146, 148f, 149, 216, 217, 361, 368
color coding for 147t
simple 146
types of 146
Forceps, types of 157
Formaldehyde 164, 166
Frequency spectrum 123, 123f
Fulguration 125
anticipate after 233
Funnel plot 438
Gapometry index 221
Gelpi retractor 175
Gemcitabine 328
contraindications 328
indications 328
Genitourinary system 345
Germ cell tumor 315, 316
Germicide 160
Gibbons catheter 145
Gil vernet hilar retractor 176, 177f
Glans wings, adequate mobilization of 353f
Gleason's grade 322
Glenn–Anderson technique 388, 389f
Glutaraldehyde 164, 165
Gonadal tumor, chemotherapy for 345
Gorget 183, 185f
Grasping forceps 17
Green light laser 200, 211
Guidewire 140
parts of 141f
types of 141f
Guy's STONE score 242f
Gyrus loop 40f
Gyrus PK tissue management system 127
Harrington retractor 175
Hassan trocar 104
Haygrove sound 183, 184f
Hematological reasons, dose modification for 335t, 346t
Hematoma 273, 354, 365
Hematopoietic tumor 315
Hematuria catheters 146
Hem-O-lok clip applicator 109, 110, 110f, 111
Hemorrhage 300f, 373
Hemostasis 363
Hemostat style ratchet 106
Hendrickson's classical lithotrite 45f
Heparin 144
Hepatic dysfunction, dose modification to 334t
Hexaminolevulinate 17
High frequency cable 33, 35f
High pressure reflux 235
High watt holmium laser 204, 207
Histogram 419f
Holmdahl formula 217
Holmium laser 200, 210
pulse frequency in 207
pulse variation in 208
Holmium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser 200, 202, 202f
Hook electrode 189f
Hopkins rod-lens system 12, 13, 13t
Hormone refractory prostate cancer 335
Hounsfield unit 240
Human prostate tissue 322f
Hutch diverticulum 196
Hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilization 162
Hydronephrosis 263
bilateral 246
classify 252
Hydrophilic coating 156
Hyperoxaluria, types of 244
Hyperplasia, prostatic 322f
Hypersensitivity reaction 344
Hypospadias 350
Hypotension 345
Hypothyroidism 337
Hysterectomy, steps of 373
Ifosfamide 343, 345
dose modification for 344t
Iglesias outer sheath with nephroscope 46
Ileus 374
Incidentaloma 270
Indoscope 89f
Inguinal orchiectomy 314
Initial puncture needle 49, 50
Inlet and outlet vent 4, 7
Inlet channel 23
Inner preputial skin graft 353f
Instruments 1, 48
insert of 105
laparoscopic 91
Insufflators 92, 96
types of 96
Insulation failure 134, 135f
Integrated ultrasound and advanced bipolar generators 131
Interlacing video 95
Interlocking clips, types of 111
Intracavernosal injection therapy 372
Intraductal carcinoma 322
Intrarenal holmium laser lithotripsy 208f
Intravenous pyelogram 142, 229, 240f
Intravenous urogram 252f
Iodophors 167
Ipilimumab 339
Isopropyl alcohol 164
Isotope renogram 253
Karl Storz
bipolar resectoscope loop 40
cystoscopes sheaths 3t
endoscopes, specifications of 77f
semirigid ureteroscope 76
Kaye's tamponade balloon 149
Kelly retractor 175
Keyhole sign 232
Kidney 246, 273, 307
mass 254f
nonfunctional 196, 266
Kilian septum speculum 183, 184f
Kink resistant sheath 156
Koff's formula 217
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 396
Koraitim's Golden triad 358
Kurtosis 399
Lambert–Kay vascular inferior vena cava clamp 179, 180f
Laparoscopes 115, 115f, 116f
Laparoscopic camera 92, 93f
Laparoscopic dissecting instruments 91
Laparoscopic instruments 91
sterilization of 171
Laparoscopic needle holder 92
Laparoscopic scissors 92, 107, 108
parts of 101f
types of 108f
Laparoscopic video monitor 94
Laparoscopy 370
instruments 91
new platforms for 117
Laser 199
beam production in holmium laser, mechanism of 201
anatomy of 204, 205f
configuration of 206
freshen tip of 212
lithotripsy 212
settings 207
techniques of 210
properties and mechanism of action 200
system 204
Latzko repair 361
Leich–Gregoir extravesical approach 390
Lesion, differential diagnoses of 312
Leusch obturator 28
Lich–Gregoir technique 391f
Li–Fraumeni syndrome 272
Ligasure 126, 127f
devices 126
amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 132, 199
cable 3
pillar 13
source 91
transmission fiberoptic cable 91
Linear regression analysis 413
Linear trend, test for 409
Lister's dilators 182f
Lister's metallic bougie 183
Lithoclast master 69f
mechanism of action of 67f
with suction 68, 68f
Lithotripsy 198
Lithotripter 67
Lithovue 88f
Logic type flexible ureteroscope 82f
classification of 31
control mechanism 29
types of 33, 34f
Low power suction with drainage 65f
Lower polar exophytic large mass 259
Lower ureter, filling defect in 262f
L-size clip color code 110f
Ludwik's straight knife waveform 22
Lymph node 306, 311
status 311
Lymphadenectomy, regional 366
Lymphocele ascite 386
Lymphoid tumor 315
Malecot catheter 145, 149, 149f
Malleable retractor 174
Manhes style ratchet 106
Mann–Whitney test 410
Manual ventilation bags 164
Marberger compact operating fiber ureterorenoscope 78
Mauermayer stone punch 44, 45f
retrusion 355
stenosis 354
Meatotomy scissor 17, 18f
Medial lobe resection 211
Medium-flow rates 97
Megaureter, etiology of 231
Memokath deployment, steps of 143
Mesenteric artery, inferior 278
Meta-analysis 436
methods 438t
Metal cannula 104f
Metallic bougie 182
use of 183
Metallic serial telescopic dilators 53
Metallic stent 143
Metastatic disease 257
Michel ureteroscope 78
Microperc 60, 62f, 66
Microwave ablation 133
Micturating cystourethrogram 216, 219f, 222f, 223, 223f, 224f, 232f, 234f
anteroposterior plate 228f
Mid ureteric stone stent 247
Millin's self-retaining bladder retractor 175, 176f
Miniaturized percutaneous nephrolithotomies 63
Minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy 60, 63f
Minimally invasive surgery 134
Miniperc 58
accessories 61f
Mitomycin C 327
contraindications 327
indications 327
Mitotane 346
Monopolar circuit 124, 124f
Moses technology 207
Multiload applicator 112f
invasive bladder
cancer, chemotherapy for 330
tumor 304
invasive disease, high-grade 267
Narrow band imaging 16
Necrosis with cystic changes 300f
driver, parts of 107
holder 107
parts of 107f
types of 49, 49f
Needloscopes 115
Negative predictive value 408
Nelaton catheter 145, 149, 150f
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy 330
advantage of 331
Neobladder, contraindications of 306
Neodymium:yttrium aluminum 200
garnet 199
laser 199, 202
Nephrectomy 362
preoperative evaluation 362
segmental 364
simple 362
Nephrocalcinosis 243
types of 244
Nephrometry score 260
Nephroscopes 46, 55, 56f, 58
grips of 57f
types of 55
Nephrostomy 245
tubes 148
Nephroureterectomy 306, 309
specimen of 307f
Nerves, preservation of 385
Nesbit system 29
Neuroblastoma 319
Neuroendocrine tumors, chemotherapy for 345
Neurogenic bladder 227, 228
type of 228
Newman's test 409
Nickel 143
Nifedipine 376
Nitinol core hydrophilic guidewire 141
Nivolumab 339
Non-functional adrenal incidentaloma 320
Non-germ cell tumors 315
Noninterlocking titanium 109
Nottingham urethral dilator 154f
Obstructive megaureter, bilateral primary 229
Obturator 9, 22, 101
specifications of 9
types of 10f, 10t
Ocular lens 82
electrode 40f
Turis system 39
ureteroscopes 79
One-tailed test 402
Onlay island flap technique 351f
Online sample size calculator 404f, 405f
Open abdominal surgery 370
Open adrenalectomy 376
Open cystolithotomy 46
Open end catheter 137, 145
Open surgery 122, 123
retractors 174
Open urology instruments 174
Optical system 82
Optiview 102, 102f
Orthophthalaldehyde 166
Orthotopic kidney 247
Otis maurmyers urethrotome 21, 23, 24f
P value 399
Paclitaxel 343
dose modification for 344t
Pan anterior urethral stricture 215
Pancreatic injuries 365
Paragangliomas, assessment of 271
Paraureteric diverticula 235
Parenchyma 239
Partial nephrectomy 261, 363
complications of 364, 365
indications 363
procedures 363
relative contraindications 363
Partial orchiectomy 381
procedure 381f
Partial penectomy 311, 313, 378
specimen 312f
steps in 379f
Passive dilators 153
Passive element, advantages of 31
Pazopanib 337
Pearson's correlation 410, 415
and simple linear regression, difference between 411t
Pearson's normality test 396
cystoscope-urethro-fiberscope 189f, 190f, 196f, 197
cystourethroscope 188f
endourology instruments 186
instruments 47
operating cystourethroscope 189
optical urethrotome 190, 190f
resectoscope 191, 191f, 192f
uretero-reno-fiberscope 196, 197f
ureterorenoscope 193, 193f, 197t
urology 186, 229
stone, right 237f
ureteric junction obstruction 250
Pelvicalyceal system 240f, 258
Pelvis 269f
Pelviureteric junction 142, 308
obstruction, diagnose secondary 235
Pembrolizumab 333, 336, 340
exclude 333
indication 333
Penile length, stretch of 310
mass 310, 378
tumor 310
urethra 216, 223
abnormal 353f
stricture 356
Penis 340
carcinoma 311, 312
Penoscrotal junction 223
Per acetic acid 167
Percuflex 143
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy 48, 157, 173, 440f
accessories 157
forceps 171
instruments 48
tract dilators 50
Percutaneous universal nephroscope 56
Perineal urethroplasty, progressive 357
Perineal urethrostomy 379
Peritoneal incision, marking of 383f
Peritoneum 373
Phaeochromocytoma, assessment of 271
Phenoxybenzamine 375, 376
Pheochromocytoma 376t
diagnose 269
metastatic 319
tumors 269, 319
Pie chart 418f
Pig tail ureteric catheter 138, 145, 149f
Pirads scoring 323
PK system 127f
aldosterone concentration 271
kinetic resection loop 40
renin activity 271
sterilization 162
Politano–Leadbetter technique 387, 388f
Polymer 143
clips 109
Polytetrafluoroethylene 50
Polyurethane 143
stents 143
Polyvinylchloride 145
Positive predictive value 407
Posterior urethra 220f, 222, 223
Post-hoc tests 409
Post-traumatic posterior urethral injuries 218
Potassium titanyl phosphate 199, 200
laser 202
Prednisolone 335
Primary pelviureteric junction obstruction 254
Propanolol 376
bipolar transurethral resection of 38, 39
carcinoma 323
chips 36
enlarged 227
instruments, transurethral resection of 25
removal of 370
sparing radical cystectomy 305
syndrome, transurethral resection of 35
transurethral enucleation of 42f
transurethral resection of 10, 25, 34, 38, 38f, 173
transurethral vaporization of 41
Prostatic urethral length 5
Proximal penile urethra 223
Pubectomy, inferior 358
energy 207
energy, use of 204
Pulsed laser 199
P-value 400f
Pyelolithotomy, laparoscopic 249
Pyeloplasty 367
Quasi-bipolar 39
Rack and pinion system 29
Radiation therapy, complications after 374
Radical cystectomy 305, 372
complications 373
Radical inguinal orchiectomy 380f
Radical nephrectomy 366
indications 366
Radical orchiectomy 380
complications 382
Radical penectomy 310, 311, 313
specimen 310f
Radical prostatectomy 321, 369, 373
complications 371, 372
specimen 321, 321f
surgical technique 370
Radiofrequency 122
ablation 133
energy 162
Radiopacity, differential diagnosis of 247
Randomization 431
types of 431t
Randomized controlled trials 426, 427fc
advantages of 428
disadvantages of 428
types of 428, 428f
Rectal injury 371, 373
Red rubber catheter 145
Re-entry catheter 150, 150f
disease 230
primary 234
secondary 234
Regression analysis 413
types of 414t
Renal angiography 261
Renal calculi, bilateral 237
Renal cell carcinoma 175, 264, 336
adjuvant therapy for 336
metastatic 336
Renal dysfunction 366
Renal exploration 278
Renal imaging 250
Renal injury 276
Renal mass 256, 258, 258f
right 257f
Renal oncocytoma 319
Renal reconstructive surgery 278
Renal trauma 274f, 275f, 278
classification of 276
indications for
nephrectomy in 279
surgery in 277
management in 277
postoperative complications of 279
radiological investigations for 276
role of angioembolization in 277
severity of 276
Renal tubular acidosis 244
types 244
Renal tumors, differential diagnoses in 302
Renal vein thrombus 264f
Renovascular injuries 279
Resectoscope 25, 27, 27f, 191
electrodes 193f
external end of 28, 28f
obturator 29f
parts of 25
sheath 25
parts of 28
Retracting instruments 91
Retrocaval ureter 279, 279f, 280
types of 280
Retrograde endopyelotomy, instruments used in 79
Retrograde intrarenal surgery 393, 440f
Retrograde urethrogram 215, 215f, 217f, 219f, 220f, 222f224f
Retroperitoneal approach, instruments used for 104
Retroperitoneal hematoma 277
Retroperitoneal lymph node 175
dissection 382, 384f, 385f
preoperative planning 382
steps 382
types 382
Retropulsion devices 150, 152
types of 151f
Retrospective cohort study 425
design of 425f
Reusable flexible ureteroscopes 85t
Reusable trocars 104
Richard wolf ureteroscopes 78
Rigid biopsy forceps 19, 19f
Rigid neonatal cystourethroscope 186
Ring retractor 176, 176f
Road traffic accident 273
Robinson catheter 145
devices 118
drapes 119
instrumentation 119
instruments 91
surgery 117, 123, 370
systems 120, 121
trocars 119
working instruments 119
Rod-lens system 11, 12f
Roizen criteria 375
Sachse's optical urethrotome 21, 21f, 23
Saline, transurethral resection in 39
Satinsky forceps, laparoscopic 114
Satinsky vascular clamp 92, 177, 178f
Scardino spiral flap 368
Scatter graph 419f
Scintigraphy, dynamic 311
parts of 108
types of 212
Screw dilators 50, 51, 52f
Scrotal skin lymphatic drainage 314
Self-retaining catheters 145
Seminal vesicles 323
Seminoma 341
Semirigid ureteroscope, parts of 76f
Semirigid ureteroscopy 74
classification 75
Sensor wire 142
Sepsis 233
Serial teflon ureteral dilator 153, 154f, 218
Shah superperc sheaths 65f
Shapiro–Wilk normality test 396
Sheldon staging system 305
ShockPulse and lithoclast master 70t
ShockPulse lithotripter 70f
mechanism of action of 71f
ShockPulse, shockwaves of 71f
Shockpulse-SETM lithotripter 69
Silicone 143
Foley catheters 146
stent 143
Siliconized latex Foley catheters 146
Simple rubber catheter 145
Single-use flexible ureteroscopes 86t, 87
Sinusoidal obstructive syndrome 349
SIOP staging system 303
Skewness 399
Small renal mass 260, 261
Small testicular carcinoma 314f
Snodgrass repair 350
Sober ureterostomy 231
Solid state lasers 200
Spatula blade 130
Spermatocytic tumor 316
Spiral tip ureteral access catheter 140
Splenic injury 365
Squamous cell carcinoma 305, 312
chemotherapy in 340
Stacked bar chart 418f
Staghorn stone 238, 241
common composition of 241
Stainless steel core guidewire 140
laparoscopic 113
parts of 113f
Statistical test 406fc, 410t
paired data 406fc
unpaired data 405fc
Steam sterilization 161
length of 144f
removal forceps 19, 19f
types of 143
Sterilization 160, 161, 165, 170, 171
different methods of 161
methods 173t
steps of 167
Stethoscopes 164
Stone 240, 244
basket 17
burden 241
catcher 66f
clinic effect 238
crushing forceps 43
holding forceps 114, 179
management, laser for 199
score 242t
score, types of 241
Storz and Wolf instrument 106f
Storz camera hub 93f
Storz miniperc dilator 58f
Storz nephroscope 59f
Storz new minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy system 63
Storz pediatric cystourethroscope 187
Straight distending obturator 28
Stricture disease 215
Stripping fiber 206
Study design, types of 394fc
Study subjects, selection of 425
Substitution urethroplasty 356
Suction cannula 157, 157f
Suction irrigation
apparatus 92
cannula 92
Sulfhydryl enzymes, alkylation of 164
Sunitinib 336, 337
Super hi-vision system 95
Suprapubic catheter 220
Suprapubic cystolithotomy 180
Suprapubic cystolithotripsy 46
Surgery 122
laparoscopic 122, 123
Survival analysis Kaplan–Meier curves 421, 421f
Swiss lithoclast master 67, 68
shockwaves of 69f
Symphysis pubis, umbilicus to 372
T test 408
Telescope 3, 11, 92
basic structure of 13
channel 9
laparoscopic 91
parts of 13
sterilization of 172
Telescopic metal dilators 50
Temsirolimus 339
Teratoma syndrome 317
cancers, chemotherapy in 341
mass 314
tumor 314
types of 315
Testis, carcinoma of 316, 380
Thiersch–Duplay technique 352
Thompson walker suprapubic cystolithotomy forceps 179, 181f
Three dimensional video technology 96f
Three-incision technique 211
catheters with color codes 148f
Foley hematuria catheters 147
hemostatic catheters 146, 147
Thromboembolism, venous 374
Thrombus, venous 259
Thudicum 183, 184f
Thulium fiber laser 200, 203, 203f, 204, 211, 212
advantages of 204
Thulium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser 200, 203, 212
Tiemann catheter 148, 149f
Tissue ischemia 353
Titanium alloy 143
Toomey syringe 36f, 37
Toothed grasper 92
Torqueable tip ureteral access catheter 139f, 140
Toxicity 343, 344, 346
Tract dilators 50
Transitional cell carcinoma 133, 263, 264
Transurethral cystolithotripsy 46
Transurethral resection syndrome 39
Transverse preputial island flap 351
Trauma, abdominal 277
Trocars 91, 92, 99
classification 99f
benign 263
in ureter, types of 262
malignant 263
metastatic 317
origin of 310
paratesticular 315
stages of 302
T stage of 257
thrombus 259
triphasic nature of 301
type of 313
Turkey's test 409
Turner Warwick 185f
needle holder 185
retractor set 176
Two-tailed test 402
Ultramini percutaneous nephrolithotomy 60, 62f
devices 131
dissectors 129, 130
generator 129, 129f
hook 130
Ultrasonography 171
instruments 164
physics of 129
Ultrathin ureteroscope 79
Unpaired T test 408
Upper urinary tract 74
Urachal carcinoma, stages of 305
bilateral 373
pathology 304
Ureteral balloon dilator 153
Ureteric catheter 137, 138f
types of 137, 145
Ureteric dilator 153
Ureteric injury 371
Ureteric mass, lower 262
Ureteric stone
bilateral 244
right 245f
Ureterocalycostomy 368
Ureterocele 196
Ureteropelvic junction, abnormal 367
Ureteroresectoscope 79
Ureteroscopes 78,172
evolution of 74
semicritical item, sterilization of 171
Ureteroscopy 154f
posterior 220f, 222, 223
prostatic 304
supracorporal rerouting of 359
tubularization of 352
Urethral balloon dilators 153
Urethral catheters 145
Urethral diverticulum 354
Urethral length gain 359
Urethral stricture 354, 356
anterior 216, 355
Urethral surgery, instruments used in 181
Urethral tumor 310, 311
treatment 311
Urethral valve
anterior 223
posterior 233
Urethrectomy, indications of 306
Urethroplasty 218
Urethrotome knifes 191f
Urethrotomy 23f, 219
Urinary catheter 145
Urinary tract
infection 196, 222
symptoms 227
Urine leak 365, 374
Urinoma, drainage of 368
Urolithiasis 237
Urologic laparoscopy, armamentarium required for 91
Urological malignancies, chemotherapy in 327
Urology 199
lasers in 199
Uroradiology 213
Urothelial bladder cancer 332
Urticaria 345
Vaginal repair 360, 361
Valves, types of 233
Vancouver and Harvard style of referencing, differences between 442t
Vapor pulse coagulation 127
Vascular instruments 177
use of 179
Vena cava
inferior 175, 258
thrombectomy, inferior 387
Veno-occlusive disease 349
Ventilators 164
Veress needle 92, 97, 98, 100f
mode 96
parts of 98f
Vesical end knob 9
Vesicoureteric junction 142, 306
Vesicoureteric reflux, causes of 369
Vesicovaginal fistula repair 360
Video monitor 91
Video output 94, 94f
Video resolution and pixels 94, 94t
Video-imaging armamentarium 91
Vinblastine 345
Visiport 101, 102f
Visual internal urethrotomy 21, 218
blades, types of 22f
Voiding dysfunction 196
Waveform 124f
Weiss criteria 319
Whistle tip catheter 138
Whitish infiltrative growth 310f
Wilms’ tumor 300, 302
chemotherapy for 347, 348, 348t
origin of 301
types of 301
Windsock sign 233
Wolf and Storz nephroscopes, major differences in 56
Wolf miniature compact fiber cystourethroscope 186
Wolf miniperc
dilators and sheath 59f
nephroscope 60f
Wolf pediatric
optical urethrotome 190
ureterorenoscope 194, 194f
infection 354
separation 354
X-ray pelvis anteroposterior 221f
Yttrium aluminum garnet 199
Y-V plasty 367
Zebra guidewire 142
Chapter Notes

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Practical UROLOGY (Instruments, Pathology, Radiology) A Comprehensive Guide
Practical UROLOGY (Instruments, Pathology, Radiology) A Comprehensive Guide
Editors Ravindra B Sabnis MS MCh Chairman Department of Urology Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Nadiad, Gujarat, India Arvind P Ganpule MS DNB MNAMS Vice-Chairman Department of Urology Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Nadiad, Gujarat, India Sujata K Patwardhan MS MCh Professor and Head Department of Urology Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Assistant Editors Abhishek G Singh MS MCh DNB Fellow in Endourology and Laparo-robotic Urology Consultant Urologist Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Nadiad, Gujarat, India Abhijit P Patil MS MCh DNB Consultant Urologist Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Nadiad, Gujarat, India Rohan S Batra MS DNB Consultant Urologist Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Nadiad, Gujarat, India Forewords P Venugopal Mahesh R Desai Prokar Dasgupta FKC Thomas RW Herrmann
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Practical Urology (Instruments, Pathology, Radiology): A Comprehensive Guide/ Ravindra B Sabnis, Arvind P Ganpule, Sujata K Patwardhan
First Edition: 2016
Second Edition: 2022
Printed at:
Contributors Foreword
I deem it a great honour to be invited again to write a forward for the Second Edition of the book by Ravindra B Sabnis, Sujata K Patwardhan and Arvind P Ganpule on ‘Urology Instrumentation A Comprehensive Guide’ now renamed as ‘Practical Urology (Instruments, Pathology, Radiology) A Comprehensive Guide’. This has added contributors of young minds in Indian Urology who are fast making a name for themselves in the field of Urology. The earlier book on ‘Instrumentation’ became a grand success and soon became a near bible for all those taking exit exams in Urology. As rightly mentioned in the preface of second edition, there were many who felt that a book addressing most aspects of practical exam was indeed necessary and that included I as well.
In the practical exam in Urology, time is a real worrying aspect and the candidate is expected to answer the questions posed without much delay and in few sentences. As an Examiner who has conducted many exams, I found that for many who are taking the exit exam, answering at times become a nightmare and many a time the answers are found inadequate. This is where this edition of the book is going to be a boon for all who are taking up the exit exams in urology, be it MCh (urology) or DipNB (Urology).
This book is not only valuable to the trainees as mentioned but is a good recipe for those who are examiners or are probably being considered as an examiner. Good questions asked is a necessity for examiners. They should be to the point with clarity.
Apart from updating the Section on ‘Instruments’, the book has additional sections on ‘Uropathology’, Uroradiology’ apart from a section on ‘Chemotherapy schedules for Urological Malignancies’ which will be of considerable use for all. It has also details of ‘operative procedures’ commonly asked in exit exams. Overall I find this book will become a must for all practicing Urology and a boon for those in training and planning to take up the exam.
The Editors and Contributors need a special mention in making it possible for bringing out such an ‘all inclusive book’ on practical aspects of Urology. Their efforts and perseverance need to be lauded. I am sure this edition will be in considerable demand as the earlier one. With the popularity this book will gain, I am sure that I may have the privilege to write forwards for subsequent editions soon to follow.
P Venugopal
Prof (Emeritus) Urology,
Kasturba Medical College (KMC)
Mangaluru, Karnataka
I am delighted to pen this foreword for this new form of old book on Instrument.
I must compliment and congratulate Drs Sabnis, Patwardhan, and Ganpule for the hard work they have put in to make sure that this volume sees the light of the day.
When students appear for the practical examination, they are well read, know everything but have to revise what they have read, and need information which is concise, to the point, and in the manner that is required in a practical exam. For a long time, such books were lacking. The editors had come out with the first edition, which gave all information about instruments. Because contents were of practical relevance, it quickly became popular and in no time became a “bestseller”.
In the second edition, several new sections have been added, which I feel is huge value addition. I have read a few chapters in details and what I have realized, that the format is very reader friendly, and the flow of information is as if a student is actually appearing for exam, especially pathology and radiology sections. The colored photographs and diagrammatic explanation of photos, flowcharts, and tables appear quite attractive, and are likely to leave an everlasting impression in the reader's mind. Compiling chemotherapy regimens was a great idea as this aspect is often difficult to remember and quickly forgotten. These new chapters would serve as a one-stop reference for all postgraduates appearing for their exit examinations.
I feel this book will be useful not only to students appearing for exam but also to all Urologists, be it junior or senior.
I am particularly pleased to see that majority of the contributors of this book are past students of the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital. It gives me an immense sense of satisfaction and pride. I have no doubt that this book will also become the “Best of bestsellers”.
I wish to congratulate once again all those who contributed.
Mahesh R Desai
Managing Trustee and Chief Consultant Urologist
Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad, Gujarat, India
Past President, Urological Society of India
Societe Internationale de Urologie and Endourology Society
It is a pleasure to write a foreword to this excellent book by Dr Ravindra B Sabnis, Arvind P Ganpule and Sujata K Patwardhan, now in its second edition. The text itself has evolved significantly from the first edition which focussed on urological instrumentation and is now arranged in four neat sections. This is clearly to bring it up-to-date with our ever-progressive specialty where numerous recent advances have occurred to directly improve the care of our patients.
I enjoyed reading every section and wish I had such a succinct text myself when preparing for my exit exams. The Questions/Answers format is particularly useful for trainees in the sub-continent preparing for their MCh or DNB exams. The text could also potentially be of considerable help to candidates preparing for similar exams elsewhere in the world such as the FRCS(Urol) or FEBU. Urology is after all a global specialty.
This is a modern book that covers everything from the basics of cystoscopy to the recent developments in miniaturization of instrumentation for PCNL. It avoids obvious pitfalls and bias by objectively comparing the outcomes of open, laparoscopic and robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. It covers the latest Grade Grouping for prostate cancer which the editor of every major journal has been trying to promote since it superseded the Gleason scoring system. And finally, it is right up-to-date with current chemotherapy and immunotherapy for urological cancers. It entices students to learn about biostatistics and trial design, so that they can not only appraise the scientific literature critically but perhaps even contribute to it in the future.
The contributors read like a “who is who” in Indian urology, from the stars of the future to the most experienced surgeons. It is well illustrated, easy to read and the ideal revision text to impress your examiners.
This is a must read and I would happily have it in my library, either as a traditional printed version or in an electronic format for a kindle!
Prokar Dasgupta FKC
King's Health Partners Foundation Professor of Surgery
Editor in Chief, BJUI 2012-20
It is my distinct pleasure and honor to contribute a foreword to the second edition of “Practical Urology – Comprehensive Guide”, formerly known in first edition as “Urology Instrumentation – A Comprehensive Guide” by editors Drs Ravindra B Sabnis, Sujata K Patwardhan, and Arvind P Ganpule.
In the light of PubMed, YouTube, and Google, one could ask: What is the need for textbooks today? as Dr YouTube and Dr Google seem to be the most accomplished forums to study and learn the friends and foes of contemporary urology. I presume that the internet (in front of the paywall) probably takes you to your next “like” on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn but surely does not make you fulfil the requirements for passing your exit exams in urology for either MCh or DipNB.
Although having stood all my exams in Europe, I still can confirm the above as an eyewitness (and fortunately not as an examinee) of the Saturday's “Improvement hours” during my time as a fellow at the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital in 2003. The motto of the European Space Agency (ESA) “per aspera ad astra” gained real reference at that time to me. My formidable colleagues in residency, who had passed the selection process to enter the residency program at this institution, by showing their knowledge in urology beforehand in a non–multiple choice written exam with Campbell's urology, as the examination subjects were put to the acid test to guarantee good performance at their exit exams, for the sake of themselves, their patients, and last but not the least the honor of the institution. I can therefore confirm that the first edition would already have been very useful in those days, in 2003 and for sure from the beginning, as it structured and distilled the essence out of urology and made it “practically available”.
This enhanced version of the first edition with added sections such as Uropathology, Uroradiology and Uro-oncology has evolved into a true Vademecum not only for the future examinee who is eager to pass the exam with flying colors but also for the practicing urologist as well.
The channels on which we receive information today are so diverse that it has become a challenge itself to select and display the relevant facts. Therefore, I would like to thank the editors and contributors for their honorable efforts in providing such a fine book. Your efforts will pay off for residents, for urologists, and last but not the least for examiners inside the urological universe.
Thomas RW Herrmann MD PhD MSc FEBU
Director of Urology Spital Thurgau AG
Head of Department of Urology Kantonspital Frauenfeld
Chairman German Working Group for Endourology – AK Endourologie
Member German Working Group for Operative Techniques –AK Operative Techniken
Member of ESUT
Member of European Guideline Panel for Non-neurogenic Male LUTS
Associate Editor World J Urology
Associate Editor SIU Journal
Preface to the Second Edition
We are happy to release this second edition of “Urology Instrumentation A Comprehensive Guide”.
After overwhelming success of first edition, for long time, we were contemplating to come out with second edition. After release of first edition, we got feedback from many. Most students were happy to about the content which they found very useful during exam. We got lot of suggestions to add many more sections. Hence we decided that when we come out with second edition, we will not restrict to instruments but add many other sections which are useful for students when they appear for exam.
So this book is now, no longer restricted only to instruments in urology. Apart from revamping Instruments section other 3 sections area added. In Instruments section, we have added many new chapters which will be useful to practicing urologists also. Section on Uropathology covers all specimens and specimen related questions and answers to them. Similarly in Uroradiology, we have included all typical and common X-rays, CT scans…etc. Each imaging study has details of what questions can be asked and how those can be answered. Last Miscellaneous section, we have added chapter on Biostatistics which is now not only important aspect in practical, but this chapter elaborates many common statistical methods in simplified manner. If someone has conduct a study and analyze it, then this chapter will be very helpful. Lastly various important and landmark trials and common chemotherapy regimes are given. This will give readymade information at one glance.
Thus this book is now named as “Practical Urology (Instruments, Pathology, Radiology) A Comprehensive Guide”. Because of all new added sections, we feel, this book will not only be useful to Trainees of MCh or DNB courses but also be useful to practicing urologists, who wish to remain updated with latest information. Biggest benefit is, all this information is available in a comprehensive manner in one book. This book will also be useful to urology trainee abroad who have similar exit exam pattern.
It would be unfair if we fail to acknowledge that hard work of our assistant editors and contributors towards completion of this book. We thank Dr P Venugopal, Dr MR Desai, Dr Prokar Dasgupta, and Dr Thomas Herman for going through the book and writing forward. We also thank M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India to have accepted the project and come out with his book.
Ravindra B Sabnis
Arvind P Ganpule
Sujata K Patwardhan
Preface to the First Edition
During various National Boards, University and mock examinations as an examiner, we realized that most students become shaky when they appear for instrument viva. This is probably because there is no dedicated book for reading. They go through various atlas/catalogues provided by companies, that contains lots of unnecessary information, and hence, students are under pressure to face this viva.
Over the years, we realized that there is need to have a book on this topic. We decided to write a small booklet to give information about commonly asked instruments in examination. While writing the booklet, suggestions came from many colleagues about not restricting scope of the book only to those examination-going trainees but expand it to give full information about all urological instruments. We accepted suggestions and decided to have this compressive guide of all urological instruments. We also decided to add chapters such as disposables, laparoscopic/robotic instruments, energy sources, sterilization methods, etc. so as to give value to the book.
Urology is rapidly advancing branch and it is more so in urological instrumentations. Within short-time, new instruments come which makes whole armamentarium quite big. In our attempt to provide updated information, we have referred to various catalogues and textbooks, however, as medical facts keep changing, newer things keep adding, some information may be lacking or may be old, hence the book should be viewed keeping this in mind.
We feel, the book will not only be useful to the trainees of MCh or DNB courses but also to all urologists, who wish to remain updated with various instruments in urology. We also feel that the book will be useful abroad especially in countries, where examination pattern is somewhat similar to ours.
It would be unfair, if we fail to acknowledge the hardwork of our assistant editors and contributors towards completion of the project. We thank Glenn M Preminger, Michael YC Wong, Mahesh R Desai, Olivier Traxer, Steeve Doizi, Percy Jal Chibber and P Venugopal for going through the book and writing forewords. We also thank M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India to have accepted to publish this rather unusual book.
Ravindra B Sabnis
Sujata K Patwardhan
Arvind P Ganpule