International Journal of Laser Dentistry

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2015 | December | Volume 5 | Issue 3

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Abhishek Gautam

Semiconductor Diode Laser provides Desirable Smile: A Clinical and Histological Study with 1-year Follow-up

[Year:2015] [Month:] [Volume:5] [Number:3] [Pages:5] [Pages No:53 - 57]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10022-1074  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Aim: The semiconductor diode (SCD) laser is compact, cost-effective, and versatile tool for performing soft tissues applications. The advantage of laser includes a relatively bloodless operating field, sterilization of the wound site, minimal swelling and scaring, reduction of surgical time, and less postoperative pain to the patients in dentistry. This technique is successfully used to evaluate the effects for removal of gingival melanin hyperpigmentation and to assess the color of gingiva pain, wound healing along with the appearance of gingival repigmentation by clinical and histological examination in the present study. Materials and methods: For this purpose, 5 patients were studied, which includes four females and one male, age between 19 and 40 in which four patients were nonsmokers and one was smoker found periodontally healthy and had no systemic diseases. Results: The SCD laser found effective in removing gingival melanin pigmentation as well as no bleeding with any significant pain was reported by patients. However, repigmentations were observed with Fontana-Masson staining. Conclusion: These results pointed out that SCD is good and safe for removal of pigmented gingiva without local anesthesia. The postoperative period is comfortable for the patient and healing is fast and good. Clinical significance: The SCD laser is easy and effectively used for gingiva hyperpigmentation removal. Ablation of gingival hyperpigmented areas was accomplished without any bleeding complication or slight pain or no pain observed, which provide clean field during time of procedures, uneventful healing without any complication. No recurrence or slight recurrence of pigmentation had been found in 12 months follow-up.



AR Prabhakar, Amitha M Shagale

Evaluation of a Novel Pulpotomy Technique with a Low-level Laser Therapy and Its Comparison with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Pulpotec: An Animal Trial

[Year:2015] [Month:] [Volume:5] [Number:3] [Pages:5] [Pages No:58 - 62]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10022-1075  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Introduction: Pedodontists have always looked for newer techniques, safer materials, and ergonomic technologies to treat pulpal infections so as to help children heal faster. Low-level laser is one such innovation that needs to be assessed for its efficacy as a potential pulpotomy medicament. Aim: To evaluate the histological changes in the dental pulp of dog's primary premolars after pulpotomy using low-level diode laser therapy (LLLT) in comparison with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and Pulpotec. Design: In this experimental study, 30 teeth were randomly selected from five dogs. The animals were anesthetized and pulpotomized using LLLT, MTA, and Pulpotec respectively. One week later, the pulpotomized teeth were extracted and subjected to histological evaluation for inflammation. Histological changes seen in the pulp tissues of all the groups were subjected to statistical analysis using Kruskal–Wallis test for groupwise analysis (p-value of < 0.001) and for pairwise Mann–Whitney U test (p-value of < 0.05). Results: On histologic observations, least inflammation was seen in low-level laser group followed by Pulpotec. Severe inflammatory cell infiltrates were seen in MTA. Conclusion: Low-level laser therapy appears to be a safe, minimally invasive, yet an effective modality for pulpotomy followed by Pulpotec.



Anisha Shah, Suchetan Pradhan, Urmi Bhattacharyya

Erbium Laser-assisted Closed-flap Crown Lengthening: A Review of the Literature

[Year:2015] [Month:] [Volume:5] [Number:3] [Pages:5] [Pages No:63 - 67]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10022-1076  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Crown lengthening is a preprosthetic surgical procedure that results in the exposure of more tooth structure and reestablishment of a more apical gingival margin. Traditionally, it is an open-flap surgical procedure. Smile designing is becoming an increasingly popular treatment option, and the use of lasers for a crown lengthening greatly enhances the patient acceptability while reducing chairside time. There are no controlled studies for this application of lasers, however, a number of clinical case reports do exist. This article mainly focuses on reviewing all the current literature on crown lengthening performed by erbium lasers and exploring the process to achieve the best results.



Arulmozhi Nandakumar, Sudhagar Ganesan, S Shalini

Diode Laser as an Adjuvant in Treating Endo-perio Lesions in Maxillary Incisors

[Year:2015] [Month:] [Volume:5] [Number:3] [Pages:6] [Pages No:68 - 73]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10022-1077  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The application of laser in endodontic therapy has been extensively studied. In few cases both periodontal and pulpal disease present simultaneously and pose a significant challenge in diagnosis, treatment planning, as well as healing of the endoperio lesion. This study aims at orderly treating endo-perio lesions with the help of diode laser. The case reports deal with true endodontic and combined endo-perio lesion in maxillary incisors. True endodontic lesion in 11 was treated with root canal obturation after disinfection with diode laser. Combined endo-perio lesion in 21 was treated with root canal obturation assisted by diode disinfection, scaling, and laser curettage and cleaning of periodontal pocket. The procedure resulted in resolution of periodontal pocket depth after 2 months. One year review of both cases showed healing of periapical lesion and maintenance of periodontal health. Diode laser is an excellent tool in handling soft tissues, gingiva, and periodontium due to less tissue shrinkage, less intraoperative time, and reduced postoperative discomfort. Laser disinfection of root canals assists in healing and prognosis in complicated situations. The use of lasers may lead to developing better and predictable treatment protocol for endodontic periodontal lesions.


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