Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry

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2016 | January-April | Volume 10 | Issue 1

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AK Singh, V Gupta, B Gupta

Assessment of Oral Hygiene Practices and Awareness of Periodontal-Systemic Health Interrelationship Amongst the Local Population of Kanpur Region – A Cross Sectional Study

[Year:2016] [Month:January-April] [Volume:10] [Number:1] [Pages:8] [Pages No:1 - 8]

   DOI: 10.5005/johcd-10-1-1  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



This study was carried out to know the oral hygiene practices and the awareness of periodontal-systemic health inter-relationship amongst the general population of Kanpur region.

Materials and Methods

A cross sectional epidemiological survey was conducted among the patients reporting to the department of Periodontology, Rama Dental College and Hospital Kanpur U.P. A total of 1000 new patients were selected and a self-constructed questionnaire was presented to them. Oral hygiene status was checked through OHI index and patient's awareness for periodontal-systemic health inter-relationship was assessed by a self made awareness index.


The results of our study showed limited oral hygiene practices and lack of knowledge for the effect of poor oral hygiene on systemic health amongst the surveyed population. Although 96.5 % of patients reported using brush and toothpaste and most of them (68.5 %) brushed their teeth once daily, only 35.8 % patients replaced their toothbrush within 3 months, a very minimal percentage of subjects (3.2%) were using other methods of oral hygiene and frequency of cleaning tongue daily was found in only 48.5% patients. Out of 1000 patients included, majority paid dental visits on having any problem (84.0%) rather than regular visitors. It was found that majority of the assessed population's (94.7 %) awareness about periodontal-systemic health interrelationship was poor.


There is an urgent need for comprehensive educational programs to promote good oral hygiene awareness and its impact on systemic health amongst the general population of Kanpur region.



Taufan Bramantoro, P Yayi Suryo, Djauhar Ismail, Udijanto Tedjosasongko

Applying Children's Quality of Life Assessment to Promote the Reliability of Children Dental Health Services Quality

[Year:2016] [Month:January-April] [Volume:10] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:9 - 13]

   DOI: 10.5005/johcd-10-1-9  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



Dental health services as a service provider need to evaluate and promote their service quality. The assessment of oral health related quality of life can be valuable material for the planning and evaluation of dental health services. Oral health related quality of life assessment apply the socio-dental indicators aspects and provide information in regard to the impact of oral conditions on the quality of life. One of patient's service quality assessment main aspect is reliability of dental treatment. Reliability of dental treatment is not only focused on dental pathological problems solving, but also on patient's quality of life improvement. This study examined the application of children's quality of life assessment as a decision planning basis to promote reliability aspects in children dental health services quality.

Material & Method

This study can be considered as an observational analytic research using cross-sectional study design. This research was conducted in Wates Mojokerto Community Dental Health Service in the early 2015. The population in this research involved children aged 3-5 years who had dental caries and also were students in kindergarten and early childhood program in Wates Mojokerto Community Dental Health Service as well as their mothers. Thus, the total of the population in this research was 309 children and their mothers. The instrument used in this study was measurement instrument of children's oral health related quality of life, which had been tested for their validity and reliability.


That the number of dental caries had a considerable effect on the children's quality of life aged 3-5 years. Children who become fussy or anxious had the highest frequency of insidence than other impacts. There were significant differences of the number of dental caries among of the insidence of quality of life impacts.


The results described that fussy or anxious condition of children was the priority factor for parents in assessing the reliability aspects of dental health services quality in Wates Mojokerto Community Dental Health Service. This information becomes valuable input for Wates Mojokerto Community Dental Health Service in planning effective and reliable dental treatment procedures for children.



M Razdan, HB Degenholtz, RW Rubin

Oral Health Outreach Programs - Can they Address the Disparities in Access to Dental Care?

[Year:2016] [Month:January-April] [Volume:10] [Number:1] [Pages:6] [Pages No:14 - 19]

   DOI: 10.5005/johcd-10-1-14  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



This study examines the potential of an oral health outreach program (SCOPE) in addressing disparities in access to dental care.

Material & Method

The extent to which underserved communities represent SCOPE's patient population and the type and quantity of care delivered were examined. Work records of fourth year dental students were analyzed to compute the proportion of under-18, elderly, African-Americans, Hispanics, those on public insurance, and uninsured individuals in the program'spatient population.


The insurance-mix of SCOPE'spatients was compared with the nationally representative sample of dental patients. Compared with the local communities and the nationally representative sample of dental patients; African-Americans, Hispanics, the uninsured, those on state insurance and children were over-represented in SCOPE's patient population.


Oral health outreach programs run by academic dental institutions have the potential to address disparities in access to dental care. Rotating dental students through community-based clinics increases the availability of inexpensive dental professionals in the community.



A Bhatsange, EP Meshram, Karibasappa , A Waghamare, S Lalitha, S Japatti

Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour of Tobacco Chewers Towards Oral Health Visiting Dental Institution in Dhule City, Maharashtra

[Year:2016] [Month:January-April] [Volume:10] [Number:1] [Pages:6] [Pages No:20 - 25]

   DOI: 10.5005/johcd-10-1-20  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



Tobacco use is a growing global public health problem. The adverse effects of tobacco use on health are well known. Smokeless tobacco is found to be as addictive and harmful as smoking. The objective of study was to assess tobacco use, awareness and attitudes towards tobacco and its control in adult population visiting dental institution for various dental problems in Dhule city.

Material and methods

A cross-sectional questionnaire based study was conducted among outpatients of dental institution in Dhule city. Data regarding the knowledge, form of tobacco used, frequency, duration and attitude towards stopping its consumption were collected. Statistical analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics and chi-square tests with Yates correction using Statistical software package(SPSS) version 19.


Out of 100 tobacco chewers, 83% were males and 17% were females. Forty five percent of tobacco users thought that tobacco affects aesthetically and functionally. Chi-square tests were applied to analyse categorical data. There was statistically no significant (p<0.05) association between age groups and gender, with respect to knowledge and attitude of tobacco consumption.


Despite being aware about risk of having multiple oral health problems, a major proportion of respondents were using smokeless tobacco. However study participants were reluctant to quit the tobacco habit in spite of knowledge and awareness towards its adverse effects on oral and general health.



JR John, R Raghavelu, R Selvakumar, G Rajendran

Oral Health Awareness Among School Teachers in Thiruvallur District of Tamilnadu

[Year:2016] [Month:January-April] [Volume:10] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:26 - 29]

   DOI: 10.5005/johcd-10-1-26  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



The study was done with an aim to know the knowledge, attitude and practices among school teachers regarding oral health.


A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted among 285 school teachers from 28 schools (government and private schools) located in Thiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu.


Whilst majority of the school teachers had high level of interest towards the importance of oral health, their lack of knowledge was one of the constraints for further promotion of oral health. Additionally, inadequate resources and training programs for teachers were also identified to be significant barriers in promoting positive dental health education.


This study emphasizes the need for regular training programs for school teachers that involves knowledge and positive approaches towards oral health practices. It is also imperative that school management provide adequate resources for the training needs that accommodate oral health awareness and positive approaches for oral health promotion.



A Hosing, AM Hiremath, V Vadavadagi, A Bansal, A Kahar

Oral Hygiene Practices in Dental Students

[Year:2016] [Month:January-April] [Volume:10] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:30 - 34]

   DOI: 10.5005/johcd-10-1-30  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



This study aims to determine oral health practices among under graduate dental students from Pravara Rural Dental college Loni.


A self administered questionnaire was distributed among dental students randomly. The questionnaire was developed to assess the self reported perception of oral hygiene practices.


The response rate was 85%. 15% of the students did not answer the questionnaire completely so were not included in the study. (n=252) 67.46% students reported brushing twice daily while only 5.55% were brushing thrice daily, 26.98% of them were brushing once in a day. 96.03% the students reported using toothpaste, 79.75% of them were using fluoridated toothpaste this indicates that many of them were well aware of fact that fluorides have significant role in dental caries and show potential therapeutic, adjunctive and preventive use in the treatment of periodontal diseases. 73.41% of students reported rinsing their mouth with water, only 23.80% were using mouthwashes. All of them were using one or more oral cleaning aids i.e. dental floss, interdental brush and tongue cleaner.seventy nine percent students were reported using tongue cleaners.


The results indicate that more emphasis should be given on Oral health care of Undergraduate dental students and further research is needed to examine oral cavity clinically and objectively by standard procedures available. Students should be motivated to keep their mouth free of dental diseases by practicing proper oral hygine aids and guidelines.


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